Getting started

When writing a LSP server with langoustine, there is usually two main components:

  1. Definition of endpoints (currently the only way to define them is using LSPBuilder)

    This is the meat and bones of your LSP server - all the logic regarding the processing of inputs, sending responses, publishing diagnostics, maintaining internal state, etc. lives here

  2. Transport layer integration

    While Langoustine gives you strongly typed data models to operate with, eventually they need to be converted to JSONRPC payloads and then to a stream of bytes that are exchanged between the client (editor) and the server.

    This integration rarely needs to be modified and the hard part is provided by the excellent jsonrpclib project.

To make it trivial to convert your server definition (1) into a runnable app which can be launched by
the LSP client, we provide a LangoustineApp.

Let's take a look at a simple example.

Example with Scala CLI

Let's build a small, single-file LSP server using the Scala CLI. Everything done here can be achieved with SBT or Mill, it's just easier to use Scala CLI for this demonstration.

The LSP will be very simple:

  1. Only operates on files with .langoustine extension (this will become important only for editor integration)

  2. It should send a window notification (window/showMessage when the server start processing a response to initialize request

  3. Whenever a document is opened (textDocument/didOpen, we should track the full path of it in some in-memory state

    a. Once the document is persisted in memory, we should send a window notification with the total count of currently tracked documents

Using Future

If for whatever reason you find working with Future easier, we provide a Langoustine.FromFuture app builder - it behaves in the same way, but doesn't expect your LSP to use IO.

Our app is therefore rewritten in this way:

//> using repository "sonatype-s01:snapshots"
//> using lib "tech.neander::langoustine-lsp::0.0.22"
//> using lib "tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.22"
//> using scala "3.2"

import langoustine.lsp.*
import langoustine.lsp.all.*
import scala.concurrent.Future

import cats.instances.future._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap

object MyFutureServer extends LangoustineApp.FromFuture.Simple:
  given ExecutionContext =
  override def server = Future(myFutureLSP(TrieMap.empty))

def myFutureLSP(
    files: TrieMap[String, Boolean]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
    .handleRequest(initialize) { in =>
      sendMessage(in.toClient, "ready to initialise a future LSP!")
      Future {
          capabilities = ServerCapabilities(textDocumentSync =
          serverInfo = Opt(InitializeResult.ServerInfo("My first LSP!"))
    .handleNotification(textDocument.didOpen) { in =>
      val documentUri = in.params.textDocument.uri.value
      files.update(documentUri, true)
      sendMessage(in.toClient, s"In total, ${files.size} files registered!")

def sendMessage(back: Communicate[Future], msg: String) =
    ShowMessageParams(MessageType.Info, msg)

Note that the LSP is almost identical!

Only changes were:

  1. Using TrieMap to maintain our state in a thread safe manner
  2. Passing around ExecutionContext
  3. Not chaining Futures together when not necessary - they're eagerly evaluated and will run in parallel

Note that it's the same dependencies and mostly the same imports - the underlying input/output machinery is still the same, we're just making the IO -> Future translation for you in a hopefully safe fashion.

Packaging and distribution

The way 99% of LSP integrations works is by the editor launching a specified command, and connecting to it via STDIN/STDOUT.

As a first iteration, we can just use Scala CLI itself!

$ scala-cli run lsp.definition.scala

You could give this command to the editor of your choosing and it will launch the server for you.

Note that with Scala CLI you can package it even easier into a bootstrap jar:

$ scli package . -f -o LSP

and use LSP as the binary!

Publishing and launching with Coursier

Another way is to publish our LSP server as a JVM app and use Coursier to bootstrap and launch it.

When we publish our application to Maven Central, it can be launched as easily as

$ cs launch com.example::my-lsp:latest.release

You can even publish it to internal artifactory and modify the list of repositories Coursier uses.

One benefit of this model of distribution is that new versions will be automatically downloaded, and you don't need to do any extra packaging - coursier will download all the necessary dependencies.

A downside is that you need both the JVM and Coursier installed on user's machine.

Packaging for Node.js and Pkg

Given that we are in the warm, molasses like, embrace of Scala, we have a secret weapon available to us - Scala.js.

If we are lucky enough to not use any Java dependencies and only use Scala libraries that have been cross-published for Scala.js, we have another way of packaging the app with some attractive features.

Sometimes it's even easier to write your LSP entirely targeting Scala.js - if you are using a JavaScript/TypeScript library for example.

To package our LSP into a single uber-JS file, we can run this command:

$ scli package . --js --js-module-kind common -f -o LSP.js

This LSP can be run with node LSP.js and behave exactly like the JVM version, if you don't count it being single threaded and being a completely different runtime..

But we can take it further - as JavaScript is an interpreted language, we can embed our generated JS file, along with the interpreter (Node.js) into a single, self-contained binary.

That's exactly what Pkg can do for us. You can install it by running npm i -g pkg.

After it's installed, all you need to do is point it at the location of your JS files:

$ mkdir binaries

$ pkg LSP.js --out-path binaries
> pkg@5.8.0
> Targets not specified. Assuming:
  node16-linux-arm64, node16-macos-arm64, node16-win-arm64

$ l binaries --no-user
.rwxr-xr-x 52M 15 Sep 17:54  LSP-linux
.rwxr-xr-x 54M 15 Sep 17:55  LSP-macos
.rw-r--r-- 36M 15 Sep 17:55  LSP-win.exe

Note that because all Pkg is doing is embedding scripts into existing runtime, you can produce self-contained binaries for any platform! All it needs to do is download the correct distribution from Node.js' website.

This is a very interesting distribution mechanism and that's how an LSP for Tree Sitter grammars is distributed:

Packaging as a native application

As of quite recently, foundational libraries that power the transport mechanism in langoustine have been published for Scala Native.

With that, we can easily package our example as a truly native app, without any dependencies:

$ scli package lsp.definition.scala --native -f -o LSP.native

We can verify that it is indeed a binary and it has no external dependencies:

$ file LSP.native
LSP.native: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64 # on your machine it will be different

$ l --no-user LSP.native
.rwxr-xr-x 21M 17 Sep 11:58  LSP.native

Both Scala Native and the Langoustine support for it are experimental, so do give it a go and report any issues!

Editor integration

This section eagerly awaits your contributions!


In Neovim nightly, adding a custom LSP server is very simple. For a new filetype (like .langoustine) it's done in two steps:

  1. Registering the filetype:
  vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufRead", "BufNewFile" }, {
    pattern = { "*.langoustine" },
    callback = function() vim.cmd("setfiletype langoustine") end
  1. Adding a LSP configuration for that filetype.

    This is where we should have selected a command to launch our server. Let's say in this example I chose to use the built jar:

local lsp = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LSP", { clear = true })

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
  group = lsp,
  pattern = "langoustine",
  callback = function()
      name = "Langoustine LSP",
      cmd = { '/path/to/LSP' }

If I wanted to use coursier instead, I would need to use the following format, given that the command is actually a list of arguments:

cmd = { 'cs', 'launch', 'com.example::my-lsp:latest.release' }

And that's it! Next time I open some .langoustine files I can see these messages:

"[Prompt]" [Modified] 1 line --100%--
"test.langoustine" 0L, 0B
LSP[Langoustine LSP][Info] ready to initialise!
LSP[Langoustine LSP][Info] In total, 1 files registered!
"[Prompt]" [Modified] 1 line --100%--
"hello.langoustine" 0L, 0B
LSP[Langoustine LSP][Info] In total, 2 files registered!