Contributing guide


  1. Typos and small fix PRs are always welcome, no matter how small!
  2. For larger changes please create an issue to discuss it first

Dev process

  1. Run tests with test

  2. Re-generate LSP definitions with generateLSP (if you changed any code in meta or generate modules, see below)

  3. Generate docs with generateDocs, you should see the website in ./website/ folder

  4. Before pushing make sure you run preCI which will

    • Reformat the code
    • Run Scalafix
    • Ensure your changes don't get tripped up by the boring, automatable steps of the build (like the ones mentioned above)


The project consists of 3 main modules

meta - which defines the meta-model of LSP specification

This module was essentially hand-crafted from the metaModel.schema.json file which you can find in the repository.

It defines what is a Request, Structure, OrType, etc. which are then used in the LSP specification itself.

It also defines json codecs and helper types to be able to parse the actual LSP specification from JSON.

generate - which converts LSP specification to Scala code

This module does all the heavy lifting required to massage the LSP spec into Scala-compatible domain model and subsequently Scala 3 code:

  1. Apply type transformations

    For example, convert anonymous structures into a named structure in the companion object

  2. Define how types are rendered

    i.e. OrType is usually rendered as a Scala 3 Union, whereas a union with a Null component will be rendered as Opt[A] where A is a union type of remaining components

  3. Lay out JSON codecs to match both the given semantics of the language, and the API methods available in uPickle

  4. Render enumerations and type aliases

  5. Selectively remove some types

    For example, LSPAny is basically a JSON structure and there's no real reason to massage it (it's recursive, which makes things hard) so we need to replace it with ujson.Value everywhere.

This module also defines a main class, which accepts a target path as an argument and, when run, generates all the LSP code in that location.

lsp - rendered LSP specification and runtime classes

The generated folder contains all the code generated by the generate module described above. Generated code is excluded from Scalafmt.

The rest of the code contains

  • runtime datastructures required for LSP to run,
  • LSPBuilder to define Language Servers
  • integration with jsonrpclib
  • runtime enumeration definitions
  • some basic types (like DocumentUri and uinteger)
  • specialised JSON codecs which are used as building blocks for more complex codecs in the generated code